PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health

PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health - Vancouver, WA

Peacehealth Southwest Behavioral Health is a mental health clinic in Vancouver, WA. It is situated at 3400 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98668. Peacehealth Southwest Behavioral Health provides partial hospitalization/day treatment and is classified as a partial hospitalization/day treatment facility. As part of treatment, it includes group therapy, dialectical behavior therapy and activity therapy. The staff at Peacehealth Southwest Behavioral Health is highly trained in treating adults, young adults and seniors 65 or older with mental health issues. Additional services that Peacehealth Southwest Behavioral Health offers include education services and suicide prevention services.

Call (855) 802-1592 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Address: 3400 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98668

  1. Care Offered
  2. Service Setting
  3. Facility Type
  4. Treatment Approaches
  5. Who Operates This Facility
  6. Payments and Insurance Accepted
  7. Ancillary Services
  8. Tobacco/Screening Services
  9. Smoking Policy
  10. Age Groups Accepted
  11. Language Services

Below is a detailed listing page for PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health in Vancouver, WA:

Care Offered

  • mental health treatment

Service Setting

  • partial hospitalization/day treatment

Facility Type

  • a partial hospitalization/day treatment facility

Treatment Approaches

  • activity therapy
  • cognitive behavioral therapy
  • dialectical behavior therapy
  • group therapy
  • individual psychotherapy
  • psychotropic medication
  • trauma therapy

Who Operates This Facility

  • a private non-profit organization

Payments and Insurance Accepted

  • Medicaid
  • Private health insurance

Ancillary Services

  • education services
  • suicide prevention services

Tobacco/Screening Services

  • screening for tobacco use

Smoking Policy

  • smoking not permitted

Age Groups Accepted

  • adults
  • seniors (65 or older)
  • young adults

Language Services

  • services for the deaf and hard of hearing

Phone #: 360-696-5300

Call (855) 802-1592 for 24/7 help with treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mental Health Treatment in Vancouver, WA

What is the typical duration of mental health treatment in Vancouver?

The duration of mental health treatment in Vancouver varies depending on individual needs and the nature of the mental health condition. While some individuals may benefit from shorter-term interventions, others may require longer-term care. Short-term mental health treatment may last a few weeks and focus on immediate stabilization and crisis management. Long-term treatments can extend for several months or even years, providing ongoing support, therapy, and strategies for sustained recovery. Treatment duration is typically assessed and adjusted based on the progress of the individual in therapy and their specific treatment plan.

What is the difference between residential and outpatient mental health treatment in Vancouver, WA?

Residential mental health treatment involves individuals residing at a treatment facility, receiving around-the-clock care and support. Outpatient treatment allows individuals to live at home while attending therapy sessions at scheduled times. The choice between residential and outpatient treatment depends on the severity of the mental health condition, the level of support needed, and individual circumstances. Please call to verify which treatment is offered at PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health.

How does insurance coverage work for mental health treatment in Vancouver, WA?

Insurance coverage for mental health treatment in Vancouver, WA varies among providers. It is essential to check with your insurance company to understand the specifics of your coverage, including co-pays, deductibles, and any limitations on the number of sessions. Many insurance plans cover mental health services, but the extent of coverage may differ, and some services may require pre-authorization. Call PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health to verify which insurance plans the facility accepts.

What is dual diagnosis treatment, and how is it incorporated into mental health care?

Dual diagnosis treatment addresses co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. In mental health care, individuals with both conditions receive integrated treatment that simultaneously addresses both issues. This comprehensive approach may involve therapy, medication, and support groups tailored to address the complex interplay of mental health and substance use challenges.

Do mental health treatment facilities in Vancouver, WA offer specialized programs for specific populations, such as men, women, teenagers, or adolescents?

Yes, mental health treatment facilities in Vancouver, WA often offer specialized programs to cater to the unique needs of different populations. Treatment programs at PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health may include programs exclusively designed for men, women, teenagers, or adolescents. Specialized programs may address specific issues related to gender, age, or developmental stage, providing targeted and focused care to enhance treatment effectiveness.

What are some common mental health conditions treated at mental health facilities in Vancouver, WA?

Mental health facilities in Vancouver, such as PeaceHealth Southwest Behavioral Health, address a range of common mental health conditions. These may include anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Treatment plans are tailored to individual needs, incorporating evidence-based therapies, medication management, and holistic approaches to address the unique challenges associated with each specific mental health condition.

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